Monday, April 21, 2008

Practice Speaking English with ESL Robots

This was 11AM Friday. Ron Lee is from Pasadena City College. He talked about
programming Pandorabots to respond to students random questions in ways a native speaker would. When the same student asked the question a second time, the robot gave a different answer. The instructor gave homework assignments such as; ask the robot ten questions and print out the dialogue.
I can only see this working well with F or D1 students. Reason being, students will quickly pass up the robot knowledge of how to respond. However, it is good for students who don't seem to catch the teacher's explanation of why a question or statement gets an unexpected response. I can also see the transcript being a tangible way of working with writing and then speaking in the classroom.
Personally, I couldn't see spending that much time programming the robot to say all the stuff we studied in class or other things the students could come up with themselves. There are just too many choices. Fun idea! If anyone wants to do this with me, I could see it being fun and useful for the students!

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