Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tech update for summer 2010

  1. We’ve got some document cameras
    You can go to the equipment reservation page to reserve the document cameras
    Come to the lab to check it out, set up is as simple as hooking up two cables

  2. We moved some whiteboards
    Now the whiteboard in each room is aligned with the projector screen. Easier to write on the projected images now!

  3. The Plone website is in the process of upgrading, and the bookmark website is the temporarily replacement
    Please use before the new plone is ready to go. You can also use the other URL:

  4. We have a new way to add students into Moodle Classes
    Now if you tell the student to use their SJSU id as the user name and pin number as the password, they will be able to log in to the Moodle directly. No more waiting for confirmation email!
    Check the pin number for your student at this page:
    Use the same username and password as the teacherdata to login to the page

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